Biyernes, Agosto 31, 2012

[NEW TREND] Poverty the New Industry

Poverty in the World 

What is Poverty? Is Poverty the reason why criminal rates increase sky high? Or is Poverty the reason why we can afford start war, but, can't feed the poor? 

Poverty is what makes the world go round, says, Economics magazine that I read. Poverty has become much worst that people are actually make profit from non-profitable people with their financial crisis. The percentage of people in extreme poverty, with incomes less than half of the poverty level, is likely to again hit an all-time high since the data has been collected. This situation has escalated since 2010 by 2% each year.

Poverty has only 3 reasons. An individual would most likely blame its government why such a crisis is faced by the country. While another individual would be suffering from unemployment. Lastly, the unfortunate individual that would be suffering from poverty is the "considered born - poor cases".

Corruption is indeed one factors of poverty. Steal one candy from a jar of candies and that is corruption. Teach the youth to rebel and blame the government and that is also considered corruption.      
The most frightening kind of corruption is, the run-aways. These are the working class, citizens and/or government officials who ARE CORRUPT and get away with it. They absolutely steal 100% of what they do not own.

UNEMPLOYMENT is understandable. And it can only lead to one thing, dissatisfaction. Both from the company and the employees. Unemployment would maybe be lead from loss in market shares, the death of a company or the stupidity of a working class individual. Unemployment is never an option for most people, but, it is most likely to happen anyways.

Lastly, the "considered born - poor cases", these are the unfortunate ones that cannot possibly go anywhere but up. They weren't from misunderstood contracts or faulty lawyers; these cases are from their roots. Their parents were "poor" and so are they. They can't go down further if they have nothing to bring with them. 

United States, United Kingdom, South East Asia and almost everywhere. These crisis might be normal or might be extreme. Advocates of this issue who now profess surprise at the result need to turn to a new line of work. There were plenty of people at the time who warned that the lack of federal guarantees could lead to severe hardship in an economic downturn. No one has a right to be surprised on this one. The surge in the poverty rate in a downturn like the present one was a predictable and predicted outcome of the legislation.


As for me, Frederick Andrew M. Lim, poverty is what you have today and gone by tomorrow. Poverty is improper time management. Poverty is not being able to understand and comprehend proper rules and regulations. Poverty is common. Poverty will only be bad if "you an individual" cannot accept it. Anyone who experiences or sees poverty should be able to do something about it, he/she should be able to go nowhere but UP from where he was. He/she should be able to once again be successful since poverty offers many chances of success. Poverty is inevitable, but, it can be changed by will.

- Frederick Andrew M. Lim
2Entrep - C

1 komento:

  1. GOOD!

    You have nice opinions. However, it would be nicer if you included the impact of the said issue on you.

    You simply focused on the insights of the said topic without relating it to yourself.

    Thanks for submitting before the deadline.

    GRADE: 77%
